Serien Manufacturing - Suppliers

Serien Manufacturing

  • * Serien Manufacturing, Inc. has been a family owned business since 1984 and is dedicated to serving the needs of industry. Serien Manufacturing, Inc. continues to grow and to serve the needs of our customers with our expert staff, quality products and on- time delivery.

    * Our three goals remain forefront so you can meet your production demands. Our goals are: quality products, on-time delivery and work completed to your specifications. Our work includes: fabrication, machining, welding, assembly and paint. Our production work ranges from small to large volume.

    * Our Quality Assurance program is designed specifically to meet EVERY specification supplied by our customers. Our customers can be confident that parts are inspected at each critical step during the production process and consistent with your blueprints. Our Quality Assurance program will give you the product that you need on time and exactly as you specified.

    * Serien Manufacturing, Inc. provides a full spectrum of services complimented by CNC controlled equipment to produce perfect products each and every time.

    * Our High Quality and Accuracy evolved from our Customer's demanding requirements. And, we are proud of our accomplishments.

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